Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's All In Your Mirrormagination

I don't know how it's taken me so long to discover this, but life just got infinitely more magical (hard to believe!). Moving "stuff" out of the old and into the new, I re-discovered my view of everything. Carrying this mirror from apartment to car, I watched the road become the sky, and the past and future merge into Right Here. In motion. It's having eyes in the back of your head, projected in front of you. In childlike wonderment, I took a break from packing to explore this new realm, turning that same familiar parking area into an Inception-worthy perspective.

How easy it is to bend streets, re-draw, re-see the world around us! I'm probably last on the bandwagon for mirror walking, but it's new for me. Boredom has never seemed more obsolete.

Gonna go reflect some spectrum for a bit.
Bring your mirror and we'll make infinity together.
