Breakfast - the most important meal of the day. Even more important, I'm finding, is the choice I make as soon as I sit up and stretch for the start of what could easily be the best day of my Life. It's effortless to roll straight over to the desk, flip open the hood of my macbook, and pour through the e-mails and friend requests of the day. But it's incredible what a little spontaneity and will power can do for my mind and body.
This morning it was an easy choice to keep the computer lid shut, put on a pair of shorts, and jump-start my spirit on the right foot. I discovered a surprisingly quiet neighborhood, set back from the all-day-long rush hour traffic. It's one of the most soothing nooks I've found in LA. The houses are so beautiful and unique - each has it's own personality, unlike any other around it. Yet they all feel part of the same community. It's awesome. The streets and sidewalks are clear and clean, and nature is thriving within it. Even the noticeably unpolluted oxygen makes my lungs feel at home. I Love that I can come face to face with trees there. Trees that feel old and strong.

It's obvious how integral nature is to any corner of the Earth and it's mind-blowing how much space is taken up by things that aren't green at all.
After my walk, I came back and stretched. I'm looking forward to learning ways to improve my improvised yoga practices. But it's simply awareness. As soon as I focus attention on my own molecules, I can feel them buzzing with gratitude. A body and spirit awaken for a simple acknowledgment of their existence. Mother Nature made it so easy for us to feel good.
We are designed so incredibly. Systems so intricate that even our own brains cannot comprehend the miraculousness of us. We are filled with every answer we could ever need. All it takes is practice breathing with pure intention, and praising the pieces of our parts. Our cells are the stuff of ancient ancestors and future family members alike. We are the bridge between the generation gaps, the line connecting one dot to another in our own hereditary constellation.
Thank you for this beautiful day. For the sound of smiling voices. For the easy conversations we can have with mockingbirds. For the visible wisdom that grows in the trunks of trees. I know there's Life in everything, there are roots beneath concrete jungles, and I'm actively opening up to embracing and expanding the nature of this place.