Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fear Less

Why have I gone over two weeks without publishing a new post? It definitely isn't that Life is lacking in stories, people, and general fascination lately. Have I been unknowingly falling asleep to subliminal messages from a fearful voice in the back of my head, questioning whether what I think is worth listening to? Is there some inaudible frequency bullying my stream of consciousness, declaring that my daily state of awe is coming across as preaching to the choir that taught me to sing in the first place? Are the words I choose weighed down with enough whole-heartedness to stay grounded as I pontificate? Maybe some part of me is simply scared to admit that my latest songs are "behind schedule".

Whatever the reason, this sub-surface behavior simply won't do and I vow to remedy the situation right now. A major reason for starting Immaculate Miraculous two months ago was to further practice fearlessness in the face of the unknown, the way we all do everyday. Even a two week commitment to silence with this journal is crucial to the complete picture - rests between notes.

The more unafraid I am to write shitty songs, the more I dare to be uninteresting, the more interesting and creative everything will end up being. Or at least there'll be no negative attachment, because something was actually done / created. When fear is out of the equation, all things are addition.

Adding it up.

1 comment:

  1. Fear is the absence of faith.
    Doubt is the unholy pursuit of unattainable perfection.
    Hate to break it to you...but you're human. Shhh...I won't tell anyone
    If you write?
    You are going to write shitty songs
    Lots of them, hopefully :)
    Sure, only the pretty ones see the light of day.
    But don't discount the shitty.
    Sometimes pretty can be born out of shitty.
    You need to get out of your own way.
    Whatever it is inside of you
    that's holding you back?
    Needs to be put in its place.
    And I?
    Need to shut up now
    and take my own advice
