Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thank You For Making Us

We all have One thing in common -
every mail man
every waitress
every saxophone player
every movie critic
every friend we've ever had
every passerby
every slow dance partner
every truck driver
every democrat & republican
every lemonade salesman
everyone who likes _____ & everyone who doesn't
every lover
every fighter
every person sleeping in a home or hotel suite
every person sleeping on the sidewalk or church steps
everyone we choose sides with
everyone we resist
everything we celebrate
everything we abominate
every kid
every great grandparent
every seed, every tree, every forest
every lightning bolt, every breeze
every chicken
every egg

We Are Here
thanks to Mothers

Today I am acknowledging the makers of all things.
Not one single plant, animal, or band member of Creed would be here if not for moms.
Our own Moms. And, of course, Mama Nature. Mama Universe. Mama Casio

To embrace our non-separateness, lately I've been practicing an awesome game I like to call
"There Goes My Brother"

The game (for 1 to 1 quadrillion players) began when I was wandering the neighborhood a few weeks ago. I noticed that I felt no connection to the cars slowly passing through stop signs or waiting for me to cross so they could make their turn. I suddenly was struck with visions of my siblings (who I miss, living across the continent) and I realized, hey ... what if the person driving that car were my brother or my sister? How present would I be as they drive off to wherever they needed to go? How would my mind feel? How would my smile feel?

So now every car that passes is my brother. My sister. My friend. The Best Part - something that started off as sort of pretending connection to these travelers caused a real transformation. My lungs, my attitude, the gravitational pull between my heart and the driver's seat, now give every indication that we are actually connecting. I turn my head in the direction of their tail lights, smiling, silently bidding bon voyage. As if I'm conjuring up a loving wind for their sails, to have their back whatever course they choose. There goes my brother

It's so simple to give Love. So monumentally rewarding for ALL.
"As you serve others, you serve yourself.
As you serve your Self, All are rewarded."

My parents are the Queen & King of unconditional Love. Just ask everyone. To give simply for the chance, the choice, to BE Generosity. From the day I chose to act on the thought, "I'm ready to open my eyes and breathe and meet my hilarious older siblings," my whole family has shown up as this unstoppable force of pure, awesome, Love. I Am unspeakably grateful to have been born of your tribe. Truly. And to realize more and more every single day that Our tribe is in fact infinitely bigger than a family of five.
It is Everyone, Everything
Everything I see
Everything I don't see

Today I'm hugging all the trees, kissing the face of our planet, thanking the universe for ALL my sisters and brothers, praising the mothers who made us so.

Peace Begins With A Smile
Life Begins With A Mom


In celebration, I invite you to share a newly revisited song of mine called
Movement of This Moment
A musical testament to My/Your/A/The/Our Mother

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