This question has been offered my way with noticeable frequency over the past few days. Outdoor smooth jazz event ushers, music legends, my banker, and as of ten minutes ago, Netflix. Enough to grab my attention, to get me thinking and, ultimately, thanking.

T h e P o w e r O f P o s i t i v e T h a n k i n g:
How Amy From Chicago Made My Day
Or, The Story's In Our Hands After All
Or, Double Rainbow Oh My God!
If we've snoozed in the same zip code this month, you've probably heard me rustling all hours of the night, unable to lock into a steady sleep cycle. From not eating before bed, to eating sleep-inducing foods before bed, to reading, listening to music, breathing exercises, burping out both ends, stretching, quieting my mind, counting sheep, to counting thanks - I'm determined to renew my annual membership to dreamland.
Tonight I finally realized the perfect solution.
A nature documentary.
What's more soothing than families of beautiful wildlife set to the natural tune of James Earl Jones or Morgan Freeman. If anything could slowly ease my mind into a peaceful slumber, it would surely be this. Disney's Oceans had deep sleeper written all over it. My eyes were closed, waves lapped the shore, the whales were singing their song, Pierce Brosnan assured me that it was more than acceptable to drift off into dreamy seclusion ... I really almost made it there a couple times. The film audio played out as the most epic and colorful book-on-tape known to man. Soothing as it was, I couldn't help but awaken to the closing dialogue, reminding me of this place where not only I live, but where we all come from.
I want my future grandkids to know the life that exists in the world. I want them to be proud that we got our act together, boldly affirming that we have mother nature's back as we do for our own sisters and brothers. I have a lot more listening and responding to do. Whether it be an ex-James Bond, a quiet semi-californian I meet on my way through a new town, or some underwater living being, I hear how every voice is making the call: "I am here, too."
I know that nighttime hasn't been keeping me awake in vain.
I love that we're here. And tonight I'm grateful for the inspiration to be here, better.
( the view from where I got to say "I Am Here" last weekend )