I love dusting off early demos of songs, like this homemade garageband demo I recorded of "Anastasia" the moment she swirled into my stream of consciousness years ago.
There are so many musical seeds being planted! Sometimes I do get impatient, wondering if enough water is being irrigated into the sonic garden. (But it's always been quality over quantity, right! Note: One sip of water that's given my fullest attention and greatest intention, seems to nourish more than water carelessly tossed back in a tall glass.) I'm always reminded that even songs are lives of their own, and all that they require from me is Love and trust. So that's what I'm practicing, that's what I'm giving. And I'm excited to turn around years from now when they're fully grown and share with you what this music sounded like prior to germination.
I think it's pretty wild to see what evolves from seeds:

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