Thursday, November 11, 2010

Whts Ur Point?

Somedays my mind takes the scenic route in getting to where it's going, always prepared to race through an impromptu marathon of run-on sentences. In songwriting, in speaking, I catch myself putting paragraphs where a single word might be all that's called for. I don't know how to compose super-condensed, abbreviated text messages. U for You and 2 for Too just don't feel right to write.

A guy who doesn't have that problem - my Dad. He's a master of the short and sweet, yet his meaning is always crystal clear. A quality he must have picked up as a signalman in his Navy days. In the time it'll take me to write this journal entry, he could have blinked a flashlight a few times to get the same story across AND ordered a pizza in the process.

He toured the oceans at age 18, he's published two novels, he's one of the most selfless human beings in the universe, and I'm proud of my badass dad on this Veterans Day.

Thank you to every one presently serving our planet, in all the ways you do.
You're simply the best.

.-.. --- ...- .


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