Saturday, November 27, 2010

And I'm Like, Fog You

Some people are put on this planet to make us laugh.
Some lows are meant to lift us up.
Some days are perfect opportunities to pat yourself on the back.

Today, a thought-I-thought-I-brushed-away reappeared, the way smudges from your coat sleeve show up when you hastily wipe winter off the car window. (I feel so far beyond the heaviness and limitation of that rock band I was such an enthusiastic part of, and yet I found myself today craving acknowledgement for the songs that I wrote and music I composed for that group. You know, the ones that someone else is now claiming ownership to... And I realize - I know the truth, isn't that sufficient? I wrote some pretty awesome stuff for the band and fueled that engine with pure energy, but the songs and positivity yet to pour out of me will reach altitudes that Anastasia couldn't even begin to fathom. The truth wins, always, so there is no reason to give it anymore attention, Ry.) Well, now that that's cleared up, it's time those smudges disappear once and for all. I'm taking the windshield out altogether. I want to haul ass and permanently mess up my hair in the winds of where I'm headed.

Some days are perfect opportunities to give a sincere fog off to whatever be covering up the big picture. No reason that mirror should ever be cloudy.

And just like that, it's gone.
- ryan dilmore